
My Wife Left Me

Fred called his friend in tears. “I can’t believe it,” he sobbed.
“My wife left me for my golfi ng partner.”
“Get a hold of yourself, man,” said his friend. “There are
plenty of other women out there.”
“Who’s talking about her?” said Fred. “He was the only guy
that I could ever beat!”

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jesus and Arnold Palmer are playing golf. Arnold tees off. It’s
a long drive straight up the fairway, and he’s about a 5-iron off
the green.
“Not bad,” Jesus says. Jesus steps up to tee off, but his
drive slices badly and lands on an island in the middle of a
water hazard. Jesus calmly walks across the water to take his
next shot.
“Jesus!” yells Palmer, “who do you think you are,
Jack Nicklaus?”

I’ll Sue You

A golfer is ready to tee off, when a golfer in the adjacent
fairway hits him square in the face with his golf ball.
“Idiot! Your ball hit me in the eye! I’ll sue you for fi ve
million dollars!”
The other golfer replied, “I said ‘fore!’”
The fi rst golfer then said, “I’ll take it!”

Stop Checking the Time

“Please stop checking your watch all the time, caddie.
It’s distracting!”
“This isn’t a watch, sir. It’s a compass!”